Clare's story begins in 1978, born in Inverness the Highland capital of Scotland. With two younger brothers, her mother has always been the most inspirational light in her life.
Sadly like many around the world her family have experienced the loss of a loved one when just before Christmas 1998 they lost Paul, Clare's brother at the age of 19. This was when the deep reality of how precious life is changed her and that of her family forever.
During the years that followed Clare married her childhood sweetheart Allan, became a mother to Paul and Charli and pursued a career as an accountant. Raising a young family and supporting Highland based businesses kept her busy for a while but in late 2015, Clare found her inner rebel with a cause, a new purpose that would weave everything she cared about into a single passion.
Clare's rebel journey was clear to her despite the difficulties that she knew lay ahead. She had to restore a future for powerful story telling tartan designs, and eventually return artisan tartan weaving skills and disruptive product collections back in the Highlands of Scotland. Prickly Thistle was destined to become a brand of endurance.
Clare's story has only just began....
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Our five threads of purpose define who we are, and with relentless passion we are creating a new future for Scotland's iconic cloth of identity.
As Highland Tartan Rebels, we know what we stand for. Where our fundamental truths inform every decision we make. We have cultivated a deliberate foresight with our brand supporters values driving our adaptability.
We are focused.
We are a brand of Endurance.